SERVICES to the person

In the life of every person there are moments of particular fatigue: because one feels uncomfortable with oneself or with others; because one does not feel able to effectively face the challenges of everyday life, of parenting, at the workplace; because one is going through a period of growth, or change; or it is hard to overcome a loss.

In these moments it may be useful to seek the support of a professional, which allows us to interpret the events of our life from a different point of view, external to us and more complete, and provides us with the tools to change our attitudes, our behaviours and enhance our resources.

Depending on the type of need you have, you can avail at my studio of different paths.

I can also conduct interviews in English, French or Spanish.

It is possible to request the presence of a linguistic and cultural mediator (paid separately).

On request, we can evaluate the opportunity to carry out meetings via skype.

Psychotherapy: for teenagers, adults, and couples

Psychological support interviews: for teenagers, adults, and couples

Psychological Expertise for forensic use

Parenting support paths

Psycho-educational paths: for teenagers, adults, and couples

Psycho-diagnostic evaluations

Colloqui e psicoterapia anche via Skype

Per offrire il giusto supporto anche in questo momento difficile.

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Annulliamo le distanze.


Usa il Bonus Psicologo

Il “Contributo per sostenere le spese relative a sessioni di psicoterapia” è una misura volta a sostenere le persone colpite dall’emergenza pandemica e della conseguente crisi socio-economica.

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